Experience Design Leadership


Resource: Weekly Planner

It's been a little over a month since I started my new job and it's been a blast so far. We are doing a TON of work and I've been needing a way to keep track of every moving part. I was looking for planners but nothing quite fit, so I opened InDesign and created what you see here. Feel free to leverage or modify it to your needs, it's why it is here. 

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Design in Time

It’s been years since I choreographed or composed, I tell myself as I look at the 10ft+ cross-channel journey map I spent that last week creating. I look again and I step back for a minute. The multi-day journey starts to resemble a musical score, a symphony in visual and digital means. I take a minute, or a few, I’m not quite sure how long, but it feels like forever. In one afternoon, I’ve completely re-defined how I define UX and what it means to me.

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IA Summit 2016 Reflections

The IA Summit this year seemed to be a pretty emotional one for many of us. As a community we talked about humanity and ethics. These topics have been of interest to me since my undergrad media ethics class and have guided my practice over the years, so I was pretty excited about it! In 3 days, we bonded as a community and strived to push IA forward. There were new faces that became familiar as the days went on. Three values described our community and this years Summit, they would be inclusion, humanity, and ethics.

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Fractured Technology in Healthcare: The Digital Doctor

As I dove into a new side project in the veterinary field, Veterinarian Caleb Frankel, recommended The Digital Doctor to me so I could better understand why human healthcare is in the state that it is in. Although I was working on a project focused in animal healthcare, the book opened my eyes to poor change management and policy that has taken place over the last decade to make our healthcare more effective for medical staff and patients.

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